IBRA Resident Course Modules “Osteosynthesis of the Hand – From the Fingertip to the Wrist – Internal Fixation of the Hand” | kosteloos

IBRA Resident Course Modules
Tips and tricks in distal radius fixation
Dr. Lorenzo Garagnani
Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust
London, UK
Complications in the treatment of finger fractures
Dr. Massimo Corain
University Hospital Verona
Verona, Italy
Datum: dinsdag 22 juni 2021 | 18:00 – 19:15
Onderdeel: bovenste ledematen
Taal: Engels
Niveau: Resident
Registratie: klik hier
Naam IBRA Resident Course Modules “Osteosynthesis of the Hand – From the Fingertip to the Wrist – Internal Fixation of the Hand” | kosteloos
Type Webinar
Datum 22-06-2021
Tijd 18.00 uur

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