IBRA Webinar “Internal Fixation of the Hand” | kosteloos

Resident Course Modules: Osteosynthesis of the Hand – From the Fingertip to the Wrist – Internal Fixation of the Hand

Date: Monday, June 7, 2021 20:00 – 21:15
Division: Upper Limbs
Language: English
Level: Resident
Announcement_Dr. Lazzerini & Dr. Edwards.pdf (618.17 KB)  Last update: 19.05.2021 |  Add to My Calendar


Registration: register here

Metacarpal fractures
Dr. Scott Edwards
Banner University Medical Center at the University of Arizona-Phoenix Phoenix, AZ, United States

Fractures of the phalanges
Dr. Alberto Lazzerini
Galeazzi Orthopaedic Institute, Milano, Italy

11 am in Phoenix, AZ
8 pm in Rome

Language: English

Participation free of charge

Jun 7, 2021 08:00 PM in Zurich

Naam IBRA Webinar “Internal Fixation of the Hand” | kosteloos
Datum 07-06-2021
Tijd 20.00 uur

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