Webinar “Complex traumatic injuries of the lower limb: clinical results achieved with an orthoplastic approach”

Mark your calendar for our next webinar on Complex traumatic injuries of the lower limb: clinical results achieved with an orthoplastic approach with E. Guerre, MD (FR) and L. Pasquesoone, MD (FR). You will learn about advanced techniques for temporary and definitive external fixation in complex trauma settings, how to manage relevant decision making process in complex trauma with an orthoplastic approach and learn techniques to prevent trauma sequelae and fracture healing problems in collaboration with the plastic surgeon.
Duration of the webinar: 1h
Naam Webinar “Complex traumatic injuries of the lower limb: clinical results achieved with an orthoplastic approach”
Spreker E. Guerre, MD (FR) and L. Pasquesoone, MD (FR).
Type Webinar
Datum 07-07-2021
Tijd 17.00 uur

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