ESSER Masterclass | Osteo-Arthritis course

Course Introduction

The treatment of osteo-arthritis of the hand and wrist can be demanding for a hand surgeon. A vast majority of options is available, but selecting the best treatment for your patient can be difficult. Therefore we designed a two-day course with theoretical and practical sessions with surgical procedures that are available for hand and wrist osteoarthritis. The practical sessions will be performed on fresh frozen cadavers with two participants per extremity. The Osteo-Arthritis Esser Masterclass will be organized every 2 years.

The program

The Osteo Arthritis course is a two day course please have a look at the schedule

0800                  Registration

0900                  Welcome

0905                  Osteoarthritis of the small finger joints

0920                  Traumatic osteoartritis in the PIP joint

0935                  CMC4/5 osteoarthritis

0950                  Skillslab: DIP arthrodesis

1020                  Skillslab: PIP arthrodesis                

1050                  Skillslab: PIP arthroplasty                                                   

1110                  Skillslab: MP arthrodesis    

1140                  Skillslab: MP arthroplasty

1200                  Skillslab: Hemi hamate


1230                  LUNCH


1300                  CMC1 joint osteoarthritis

1330                  STT joint osteoarthritis

1400                  Denervations (Wrist, CMC, PIP)

1430                  Skillslab: CMC prosthesis

1510                  Skillslab: CMC1 osteoarthritis / LRTI                         

1540                 Skillslab: CMC4/5 arthrodesis.                                 

1620                 Skillslab: Denervations       

1800                  Esser masterclass diner

Naam ESSER Masterclass | Osteo-Arthritis course
Datum 22-01-2021
Locatie Rotterdam

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